Push-up Equator.
We Have Been Measuring Push-up Competitions Wrong. I’ve been a top-heavy, chunky boy for a while during my childhood. Although I am currently working on altering that, don’t worry this post isn’t about my journey to getting absolutely shredded (fingers crossed) it’s instead about something that I discovered on the way there. (To clarify I’m not there yet. Check again in 6 months). While exercising I’ve progressively lost weight and I noticed that once I lost a few kilos the movements and exercises got much easier and effortless. So I’d have to increase the reps or opt for much harder variations in those exercises. One particular exercise though stood out. The Push-up. Every kid has been a part of at least one push-up competition. Whether voluntarily or otherwise. It’s a common metric that children and adolescents use to measure each other and square themselves up to the rest of the class/group/friend circle/team/gym. No space is too sacred for a push-up competition. Heck, I...